January 2024: Starting Today Is A Great Time
Whether you choose to embark from the rich narratives of Genesis or immerse yourself in the teachings of the Gospels, the pivotal moment is to start.
How To Deal With Depression
How To Deal With Depression: Depression is an emotion that will affect each of us at one point in our life. How to deal with depression will depend on our…
Where I Have Been
As you are aware, I have been absent from this site for some time. Both YepJustSaying and SipseyCreekCreations have demanded a significant portion of my attention.
5 Choices That Support Mental Health
5 Choices That Support Mental Health: When a person suffers from a mental health illness, such as depression or anxiety, the first-line treatments are usually mental therapies and medicines. What…
An Introduction to Christian Pen Pal Ezine
Pen Paling is still a vital part of our communication, even in this fast-paced electronic world we live in today.

I am glad you chose to stop in and hope you find what you are looking for today.
We promote reading God’s Word and communicating through writing
Family and friends are very important today, as always. CPP is dedicated to encouraging keeping in touch in our digital society.
Read the King James Bible, which opens in a new window.
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For Today’s Busy World
For Our Fast-Paced Life!