Where I Have Been
As you are aware, I have been absent from this site for some time. Both YepJustSaying and SipseyCreekCreations have demanded a significant portion of my attention.
This year, I have undertaken several major changes. One of the most difficult decisions was the closure of several websites that I could no longer dedicate sufficient time to managing effectively. Relinquishing these ventures was not an easy choice.
Additionally, regarding Etsy, I have permanently closed two accounts and placed another on temporary hold. Should the two remaining accounts fail to generate adequate revenue, I will place them on hold as well.
It became essential to halt the financial losses. The current economic climate has prompted me to reassess and critically evaluate where these losses were occurring. These decisions have been challenging both to make and to accept, as I am not one to readily fall short of achieving my overarching goals.
Like many creative individuals, I am often drawn to multiple projects, inspired by an endless stream of ideas—a tendency I refer to as “Shiny Object Syndrome.” However, it is simply not feasible to pursue everything when one is operating solo, without the necessary financial resources to hire virtual assistants or other support.
Thus, here I am, making the necessary adjustments.